Aikatsu Wiki
Aikatsu Wiki

Hi everyone!

I want to make a list of top 10 cutest moments in Aikatsu! but I can't remember everything from every single episode, so I'm asking: what do YOU think was at least one of the top 10 cutest moments in Aikatsu!? You can list as many as you can think of and maybe also include picture if you want XD

Some of mine are:

  • ichigo and aoi playing ping pong and embarassing ran XDDDDD
  • sumire doing trick-or-treat xDDDDDDDDDDD
  • yurika wearing angely sugar XDDDDDDDDDDD 

EDIT: Thanks for the comments everyone, I know it's been a while but I thought of another one, it's when yurika and kaede jump out of the helicopter during the partner cup stuff >////////<
