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Being tasked with a collaborative Soda/Pop project between "Dreamy Crown" and "Happy Rainbow", your flashy Host decided to incooperate a lovely rainbow for the commercial shoot!


  • As usual, no PRS or Campaign-based coors are allowed, this includes accessories used for them.
  • The entire coord must be customized for this round.
  • Accessories are manditory.
  • No dresses
  • At least one card must come from Dreamy Crown AND Happy Rainbow. Accessories used for these do not count.
  • The coord must follow the rainbow pattern, from top to bottom. For those who forget or honestly don't know, it goes: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.
    • However, there IS a catch. YOU get to decide WHERE you start with it. For example, if you choose Indigo for an accessory, you would add a violet top, red skirt, and orange shoes.
    • Also keep in mind, you WILL get chewed out for a piece that CLAIMS to be a color but really isn't. Like if it says red, but it looks dark pink or magenta, then don't use it.
    • The color also has to be the MAIN color of each piece. So don't try to pull any fast ones.

As usual, your Host chose to give an example with her own wardrobe... But keep in mind your Host accidentally put the accessory last instead of first: 
