Pisces (うお座 Uo-za) is one of the 12 zodiac constellations. Its name is the Latin plural for "fish" and its symbol is ♓. It lies
between Aquarius and Aries and is one of the constellations the ecliptic celestial equator intersects in.[1]
Known Idols of Pisces[]
Ichigo Hoshimiya[]
Ichigo Hoshimiya (星宮いちご Hoshimiya Ichigo) is the protagonist of the series and a student of Starlight Academy.
Coords of Pisces[]
- Mermaid Pisces Coord
- Aqua Swan Coord
- Lovely Kiss Me Coord
- Pearl Shell Coord
- Aquamarine Pisces Coord
- Pastel Fin Pisces Coord (Aikatsu on Parade! only)
Anime Screenshots[]
Data Carddass Aikatsu[]
- Pisces is the one of the only constellations with 3 rare constellation dresses, making it the one of the constellations with the most rare coords.