Peter Pan (also known as Peter and Wendy and The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up) is a 1904 stage play by Scottish author J. M. Barrie, which was subsequently novelized in 1911. The story follows the titular Peter Pan, a mischievous boy who refuses to grow up with the ability to fly, and his adventures on the island known as Neverland with the Lost Boys, the fairy Tinker Bell, his enemy Captain Hook, and the Darling siblings. It is part of the Dream Story System and its main brand is Vivid Kiss.
Coords of Peter Pan[]
- Peter Adventure Coord (Vivid Kiss)
- Milky Wendy Coord (Angely Sugar)
- Dark Green Bell Coord (LoLi GoThiC)
- Dancing Captain Coord (Dance Fusion)
Cards of Peter Pan[]
Official Art[]
Data Carddass Aikatsu[]
Anime Screenshots[]
- Peter Adventure Coord, Milky Wendy Coord