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Hansel and Gretel is a German fairytale published in 1812, recorded by the Brothers Grimm. The story follows the titular Hansel and Gretel, a brother and sister, who, having found themselves lost deep in the woods, discover a house made entirely of candy and owned by a cannibalistic witch. It is part of the Dream Story System and its main brand is Retro Clover.

Coords of Hansel and Gretel[]

螢幕快照 2015-05-28 下午07.39

Cards of Hansel and Gretel[]


Official Art[]

Data Carddass Aikatsu[]

Anime Screenshots[]

Candy House Coord
Candy House Coord, Gretel Flower Coord


  • This is the first Dream Story to have coords from only one brand and only one type: pop, but the second Story overall following The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.
    • This is also the third Story overall to have all its cards to have its rarity in Campaign Rare.