The 3rd continuation of the Aikatsu! series, officially known as the "2015 Series" (2015シリーズ ) in Data Carddass Aikatsu! and "The Third Year" (3年目 ) in the anime.
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- Episode 102 - Let's Aikatsu!☆Ready Go!!
- Episode 103 - Good Fortune
- Episode 104 - Aikatsu Dash!
- Episode 105 - Bursting Flair☆
- Episode 106 - Idol☆Halloween
- Episode 107 - Two Dreamers
- Episode 108 - Put Your Feelings in an Apple
- Episode 109 - The Hot Wind of Aikatsu!
- Episode 110 - The Passionate Sangria Rosa
- Episode 111 - Dear My Fans!
- Episode 112 - GOGO! Ichigo Cheer Corps
- Episode 113 - The Fashionable☆Vivid Girl
- Episode 114 - Happy Christmas Tree☆
- Episode 115 - A Warm☆Japanese New Year
- Episode 116 - Ōzora JUMP!!
- Episode 117 - Sumire-Colored Singing Voice
- Episode 118 - An Elegant Aikatsu
- Episode 119 - The Dance of the Nadeshiko!
- Episode 120 - Star☆Valentine
- Episode 121 - A Promise to the Future
- Episode 122 - Vampire Mystery
- Episode 123 - Spring Bouquet
- Episode 124 - The Queen's Flower
- Episode 125 - The Other Side of Admiration
- Episode 126 - A Warm♪Offtime
- Episode 126 - A Warm♪Offtime/Image gallery
- Episode 127 - Entrance of the Starlit Sky☆
- Episode 128 - The Showtime of Dreams
- Episode 129 - Talk Show Runway
- Episode 130 - The Magic of Units
- Episode 131 - The Brilliant Dancing Diva
- Episode 132 - The Burning Passionate Jalapeño!
- Episode 133 - Hello New World
- Episode 134 - Spontaneous Skips♪
- Episode 135 - The Center of the World is Kokone!
- Episode 136 - The Name is, Sweet & Soft☆Nadeshiko
- Episode 137 - Exciting☆Unit Cup
- Episode 138 - Brilliance of One's True Self☆
- Episode 139 - Johnny and The Bride
- Episode 139 - Johnny and The Bride/Image gallery
- Episode 140 - Aikatsu Restaurant
- Episode 141 - Hot Spicy・Girls!
- Episode 142 - I Want to Say Thank You
- Episode 143 - Horror!? Summer Island
- Episode 144 - Surprise Idol Battle
- Episode 145 - A Hot Summer Festival
- Episode 146 - The Three of Us Once Again
- Episode 147 - The Dazzling Luminas
- Episode 148 - Raise the Curtain, the Great Starlight School Festival☆
- Episode 148 - Raise the Curtain, the Great Starlight School Festival☆/Image gallery
- Episode 149 - Our Different Colors
- Episode 149 - Our Different Colors/Image gallery
- Episode 150 - The Bonds of Stars
- Episode 150 - The Bonds of Stars/Image gallery
- Episode 151 - Light of the Stage
- Episode 151 - Light of the Stage/Image gallery
- Episode 152 - The Road Following Our Meeting
- Episode 152 - The Road Following Our Meeting/Image gallery